Actor Shah Rukh Khan’s comments on Pakistani players in IPL brings out a key issue that may have been spoken innumerable times but is reaching no where as far as a solution is concerned. The question “Can we mix politics with anything at all” be it sports, films, education etc. No answers yet. But one thing for sure, while it would be perfectly legal and acceptable for politicians to step into external domains like sports, films, education etc. the converse has time and again proved detrimental for the concerned people.
Maharashtra is abound with stories where film directors had to change acts/dialogues in films or had to apologize to the political lords of that locality to keep them appeased and more than anything to get their films to release/run in that city. Karan Johar had to apologize to Shiv Sena for referring to Mumbai as Bombay in “Wake up Sid”. Post Shah Rukh’s statement on Pakistani players for IPL, Uddhav Thackeray of Shiv Sena even went to the extent of telling him to “Stick to his profession and not dabble in other issues”. Shah Rukh reportedly apologized to Karan Johar and Kajol for ruining the prospects of MNIK, but he refused to apologize to the Shiv Sena, right or wrong? Not sure. First he makes statements which do not help anyone, definitely did not help get more Pakistani players into IPL and second it was made much after the auction so seemed more like a lip service and more a publicity stunt gone bad than anything else. He would definitely have made a difference had he spoken and more important acted much before the auction. Cricketer Sachin Tendulkar did a similar act when he innocently spoke of being an Indian first and then a Maharashtrian. Mukesh Ambani of Reliance spoke about Mumbai belonging to all of India, which again did not go well with the Maratha sons-of-the-soil.
While one could take the risk of mentioning that what the Shiv Sena is doing is incorrect, it would be perfectly in order to question the stars (read actors, sports personalities etc) of today as to what is the need for them to make politicized statements which may seem to come straight from their heart but has more damaging repercussions for the public in general. For example does Shah Rukh think making such statements would change anything? Does he have the wherewith all for bringing about the relevant change. Does Sachin think he can stop the political parties of Maharashtra from politicizing any and every issue? Don’t think so. These statements are issued by the stars in the wake of various questions from journalists who are on the lookout for spicy answers, so that they can gain publicity out of such quotes.
The political parties on the other hand are always on the look out for issues which can bring them back to public memory, which is fickle and volatile. Such statements help in keeping the party publicity machines alive and get a work hungry party worker to deliver on party goals. Internally the political parties would be gleefully lapping up such comments which give them moments of fleeting publicity. Politics is a wicked game of rising to the fore at the cost of another and by issuing dramatic statements our stars are just fueling this need. However much one hates to say this, but can’t but agree more with Uddhav Thackeray’s advise that one should stick to ones profession and not dabble in “other” issues. Do so only if you feel you have the power to make a change.
As for MNIK it turned out to be the number five movie worldwide with a $14. 2 million weekend gross.
Pradeep Eledath
Monday, February 15, 2010
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